Since Mercury is once again in retrograde, I wanted to share
some tips on surviving, and even making the most of the next three
weeks. The following article is republished from the website of a great
woman, Gala Darling.
Oh, Mercury retrograde.
You are here. You have arrived on our collective doorsteps in all your messy glory. You are our dreaded but regular house-guest. You stagger in the door, kick over our furniture, leave crumbs all over the couch & hog the bathroom. Then, as quickly as you appeared, you disappear again, leaving us slightly stunned but much better equipped to continue with our own lives!
Okay, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, here we go. The
planets are swinging around at all times, & their movements affect
us all in different ways. All planets go retrograde, but Mercury’s
journey seems to impact people much more than any other. (Even people
who “don’t believe in astrology” often “believe” in the crazy
aftershocks of Mercury retrograde!)
Why is that? It’s because Mercury rules communication, clear
thinking, truth & travel, so when the planet goes retrograde — which
means that it looks like it’s going backwards in the sky — all those
things go backwards. They start to get ugly & tangle up. Mercury
isn’t really going backwards, it’s just hanging out by the sun, but from
Earth, that makes it look like it’s in reverse. It typically runs for a
couple of weeks, a few times a year.
Check out these dates below & put them in your calendar!
In 2011, Mercury is in retrograde from…
March 30th to April 23rd
August 3rd to August 18th
November 25th to December 14th
In 2012, the dates are…
March 12th to April 3rd
July 15th to August 7th
November 6th to November 15th
Note: We sometimes start to feel the effects of Mercury
retrograde a few days early. It’s nice to give yourself a bit of leeway
on either side of the prescribed dates!
What happens when Mercury goes retrograde?
All sorts of things! It’s like everyone you know has suddenly gone mad! You might find yourself getting into bizarre arguments about nothing at all, being unable to finish sentences or barely even able to form a coherent thought. Your computer & other electronic equipment is more likely to go on the fritz. You could experience travel delays, too. Double-check your flights & take a book with you to keep you occupied while you wait for the train! We don’t tend to get all the information we need at this time, so it can be hard to make big decisions & it’s not always the best time to sign a contract, either.
Expect to hear super-loud complaining from your friends who are
Gemini or Virgo, since both are ruled by Mercury! Mercury also rules a
lot of industries like publishing, writing, editing, advertising, sales,
public relations & anything to do with transport, like airlines,
the post office & cabs! This means it can be particularly rough for
Gemini train conductors & Virgo magazine editors, so be kind to any
you know!
I often find that Mercury retrograde makes me want to go into hermit
mode. I feel like half my brain is missing so I’m really not that
interested in interacting with anyone, plus every conversation seems to
go in an unusual, confusing direction. I feel much more irritable &
frustrated & things just don’t seem to go how I want them to.
So that’s the bad news. Mercury retrograde can be a total kick in
the teeth for those of us who normally pride ourselves on having our
karmic shit together! The GOOD news is that Mercury retrograde provides us with lots of beautiful opportunities if we can just tilt our head & squint.
Mercury retrograde wants us to move back spiritually. It is
providing us with a chance to re-examine various areas of our life which
may need a little more work, so that we can move forward to a bright
new dawn. Now, more than ever, the time is right to look at things with
clear eyes. Delicious, fresh perspectives are revealed. We often have
major breakthroughs — intellectual, emotional or spiritual — during
this time.
It’s also a terrific period in which to tie up loose ends. So many
of us have unfinished projects. Maybe that door just needs another lick
of paint, or you’ll decide to put away your ex-boyfriend’s love letters
once & for all. Having said that, this is also a time where it’s
very common for old lovers, friends & acquaintances to get in touch!
If you hear from someone from your past, get together with them &
see what eventuates!
One of the best ways to cope with it — as with anything, really — is
to just “go with the flow”. When you fight Mercury retrograde, that’s
when life gets really ugly. Just take some time, go slowly, be careful,
don’t freak yourself out by expecting to be uber-productive-perfect
right now. Be good to yourself & the people around you, now more
than ever!
A quick & dirty guide to
surviving Mercury retrograde!
(Print it off & stick it in your diary or on your wall!)
surviving Mercury retrograde!
(Print it off & stick it in your diary or on your wall!)

(You can find Gala's original article on Mercury Retrograde here)
Here's to wishing you the best this Mercury Retrograde.....
Love and Light,
Love and Light,
Kyra Meadows
My Love Spells Website